Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn
(Teen Fiction Weyn)
This book is about two soulmates who live through many lifetimes (some shorter and some longer) to eventually come together to enjoy the love they have always had for one another. Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, this is a work of fiction that is well done. It shows that how we may want life to go for us does not always "work out" right then, in that particular lifetime, but that it can and does eventually. This book is fun, too, in that you can start recognizing the same "people" from lifetime to lifetime (one always has foot and ankle problems, and develops a fear of fire and another often has headaches and sometimes strange birthmarks). Besides that two 'main characters' - one of whom is mostly a woman and the other is usually a man (although during their Civil War liftetime, they switched) - there is at least another male and female pair who are always around, too, and often get in the way and cause problems with the soulmate pair. This story starts out in prehistoric times and continues through snapshots of lifetimes up to the current day. The scenes take place in various countries, cultures, and historical time periods.
This is a very good book. Teens in high school would really enjoy this book, particularly if they are into historical fiction and some romance.
- Reviewed by Leisl (YA Librarian)
Review: Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn
Posted by
JPL Teens
Mar 12, 2008
Labels: Reviews , reviews_march_08 , teen_fiction
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