Review: Imaginary Enemy by Julie Gonzalez
Jane Venezuela White's second grade teacher thought she was writing a letter to Buddha, but she was really writing to Bubba (and just wrote the b's the in the wrong direction). Her teacher didn't hang her letter on wall as was the plan, and Jane put it in her math folder. She keeps that folder well into high school, and adds letter after letter to it over the years. She writes to Bubba, her imaginary enemy. As she says on page 3, this first letter was "a fairly modest beginning to what has proven to be a long and fruitless relationship."
This is a great read. You learn all about Jane's relationships with her family and her friends, how she believes herself to be the ultimate slacker (but as she eventually discovers, she really isn't) and how Bubba eventually starts replying!
You should really think about giving this book a try.
- Reviewed by Leisl, YA Librarian
Review: Imaginary Enemy
Posted by
JPL Teens
Apr 18, 2008
Labels: Reviews , reviews_april_08 , teen_fiction
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